Thursday, June 30, 2016

Second day home

Well today was a bit more pain but I also did not take any pain meds today. Baaaaad idea I will definitely be taking them tonight. Also started the full liquid diet today and have had protein shakes, yogurt smoothies and plan on either soup or pudding later....

Trying to get 2,000 steps in today but it's been harder due to having to sit for a half hour to have my meals. I will get them in. 

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

First day home

So today was an interesting day I felt a bit of pain, but did plenty of walking indoors. Doc recommended I do 1,000 steps inside but I've done over 2,000 so far. 

The most important things I have been told is to walk, and make sure I hydrate and I have done both today. 

Tomorrow is another day but I think I did well today. 

Been a couple of days

Well I am home. The first day felt like I was run over by a semi. Yesterday was a mini van, and today I think it was a yugo or a Prius. 

Trying to get my steps in and my liquids that is what I am working on today. 


Monday, June 27, 2016

It's here

The day has come. I am in pre surgical now. I honestly do not know how I feel right now. So many emotions.  

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Last day before surgery

This morning I am at my daughters karate tournament. A few things going through my mind such as looking at 4 year olds doing physical things I couldn't even think of right now. 

Maybe this time next year I can do some of the things I see here. NO I am NOT signing up for martial arts. 

Anyway after we are done here I am not doing much the rest of the day. I plan on getting rest as I'm thinking I won't get much real rest the next 48 hours. 

Saturday, June 25, 2016

2 days to go

2 days to go. We took a trip with my cousins to the aquarium. I had my cousin Rob take a picture of me for a before picture

Friday, June 24, 2016

3 Days to go

3 days to go. Today I have been busy wrapping up work stuff since I will be out for a bit. All for a good reason. Went to lunch with a customer and I then realized that there is no way I would be able to eat this whole salad after the surgery.

The countdown continues and I will be here every step of the way.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

4 days to go

Saw the surgeon yesterday all is set to go. I have so many thoughts going through my head right now anxiety, excitement and outright scared. I know this will be fine but it's still surgery.  

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Back on Track for good

Well I am back with this blog. This time it will be a bit different as on Monday I go into the hospital for a Gastric Sleeve surgery. This is a bariatric surgery that will force me to lose weight as 80% of my original stomach will be gone.

You might ask why I elected for surgery after all these years..... The reason is simple. I was trying the Weight Watchers Simply Filling technique a couple of years ago and realized that I did not know what full was anymore. I then realized that surgery was not a crutch, but rather a reset button and a tool in the toolbox to relearn how to eat and how to eat properly.

So feel free to stick around as I will be blogging the process. THIS TIME ITS FOR GOOD.