Showing posts with label week-end. Show all posts
Showing posts with label week-end. Show all posts

Monday, July 25, 2016

A Mystical weekend away

Well four weeks out today and still on soft foods I went away with the family for the weekend to Mystic, CT. Finding foods was challenging but not impossible. The first day for lunch we went to a restaurant where I had a turkey sandwich and just ate the turkey off of the sandwich. 
For dinner we went to a restaurant and I had a bit of salmon that looked like I barely touched it, since I was in a hotel I didnt take it home with me. The waitress asked me if everything was ok and I said it was great but I had surgery and am limited. 
Breakfast in the hotel I had some scrambled egg, for lunch I had a diner chicken salad sandwich that I picked off the chicken salad and had a side of cottage cheese which worked fine. 
Dinner was a bit of an issue in the fact that I didnt get to eat until about 8:30pm which is late. I meant to have a protein shake on the ferry but I forgot my backpack in the car and couldnt get back to it as I couldnt open my trunk of my SUV without hitting the car in back of me........ I did have plenty of water during the days and on the boat as well. Dinner was a diner tuna salad platter. 

I also got plenty of walking during both days. Oh and it was over 90 degrees with heavy humidity BOTH DAYS :)

Other than the high amounts of mayo (and bits of celery and onion), I think I did ok for the weekend. 

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Fourth of July

Yesterday was the fourth of July, and we celebrated the way anyone does BBQ, Fireworks, etc. WAIT? did he say BBQ?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Yes he did. Just because you cannot eat normal food (yet) doesn't mean you cannot attend a BBQ. BBQ's are meant to be enjoyed with the company, the food is an added bonus but still not the main focus of a BBQ.

Yesterday we went to two BBQ's. I spent the majority of the time at the first one indoors since I did not want to push myself, oh yeah and its where my friends were :). Had a bunch of laughs for a few hours.

The second one I spent outside making sure I drank enough and had the stuff I bought with me at both BBQ's.

Then come the best part of celebrating out nations birthday. Happy Birthday USA which was watching fireworks. That part was completely AWESOME.

I've learned you do not need food to enjoy yourself, just make sure you have great friends, enough water to keep you hydrated adequately, you can enjoy anything anywhere.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Treated myself

Wow today has been pretty busy. While we took Maddie to karate I decided to treat myself to a barber shave. I've never actually had one before but wow it was amazing. 

Bought tickets to the BFG movie today and will be going this afternoon. I am sipping a chocolate shake and planning what to bring to the movies to ensure I stay on track for my requirements. 

My goal is to eventually ride a bike in the park although this may not happen until next year I will do this. 

Friday, July 1, 2016

Happy Friday

Well it's now Friday and I'm doing better each day. Went out to get some protein shakes and to the supermarket today. The hardest part is remembering that I need to be constantly sipping throughout the day. I've been able to get it in and today has been no exception. 

Going to a couple of bbq's hopefully depending on the weather. But it all depends on how it feels.